✧ My no's !! ✧

♡ Do not friend request me unless you ask if you can / I do it first or that I have talked to you more than once and considered that you're actually friendly / worthy .
Or if you're like ... not compatible with your personality / interests and stuff

♡ Don't address me with any female terms , you may only address me female terms if you're referring to me in a song lyrics way or in a joking way -- [ Ex. " Hey bbg , girl wtf " etc ]

♡ Don't ask me personal questions such as where I'm from , my age , my real name , or anything weird too early when I've only started talking to you .

♡ Although I have said I will draw anything you want for free , I will NOT draw NSFW , don't force me also , I have the right to decline .

♡ Don't deadname me , although you may or may not know my real name , you'll know when you've gotten my personal carrd (only given when we've formed an emotional bond)

♡ I really hate it when you act distant with me like I wasn't even there :( I start to overthink


[ More will be added , will let you know if I am uncomfortable or don't like with some things ]

" We'll meet again , "